
Here's a few of the projects I've worked on. To see everything I've contributed to, check out my GitHub profile.

Quoter's logo, a speech bubble with three dots inside.


Quote book for Discord servers, built with Discord.js, MongoDB, and Typescript. The bot allows users to add, remove, edit, and search for quotes. You can also add quotes from Discord messages, or generate images from them. I created the bot, which has grown to over 2,000 servers and 200,000+ users.

Screenshot of 2txt: an area to drop an image file.


Image to text converter, built with Anthropic Claude and the Vercel AI SDK. You can upload an image and get a description of it (for use as alt text), while extracting text from it.

A text input that says 'Ask me anything' with a submit button.


Fast voice assistant built with Cartesia's Sonic model, with OpenAI Whisper and Meta Llama3 on Groq. Less than 1 second of latency between user and AI speech.

Home page of

The site you're on! I built my blog with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, and MDX. Hosted on Vercel.

I rebuilt the backend for, a link shortening service for the Talon app. I moved the API to a serverless architecture (on Cloudflare Workers), greatly improving performance while reducing costs.

Discord screenshot showing automatic thread creation with Needle.


Discord bot that creates threads automatically. I contributed by adding Docker support, implementing new features, and refactoring the codebase.

Home page of

Dylan commissioned me to build his website based on a design he created. I used Astro and Tailwind CSS.

Screenshot of Magic Spell

Magic Spell

I built this demo of the Vercel AI SDK in collaboration with Guillermo Rauch at Vercel. It edits or writes text based on a prompt, using Groq for ultra-fast inference and streaming.

Close-up of the Steam Deck's front right side on a blue and purple background.

Steam Deck Emulation Guide

A comprehensive guide to emulating video games on the Steam Deck. I wrote step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure a range of emulators, as well as how to add individual games to your Steam library for a streamlined gaming experience.